Sunday, February 17, 2013

Puerto Azul

This resort has been around for quite some time. Few people fish the area now which is a puzzle as the place is near (50km. from my house) and actually has fish! Barracudas, Jacks, Threadfins, Groupers, Snappers, Sharks and Rays to name a few, inhabit the place. The resort has a boat ramp and a decrepit pier which holds a lot of baitfish.

Here are a few pics of what you can catch there:

 The hungry juvies grab the lures before momma grouper can have a shot at it.

Threadie on topwater.
 My 12footer rigged out. Note: My 2hp. comes along until I get the bowmount motor attached.

 This draw stares on the road. Hopefully it starts an interest in the sport
 Opening to the bay from the planned marina at Puerto Azul.

More yummy threadies!

When the easterlies weaken (around March) I plan to explore the shoreline from Puerto Azul to Caylabne.

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